09 November 2020

What is Your Research Why?

I belong to some genealogy groups on various platforms. Recently I read a post by a person that said they were just starting out and was asking if someone could take them under their wing to show them the ropes. I posted a couple of responses offering some small bits of advice. Then I got to thinking, maybe there are others out there who could use “someone who could take them under their wing.”

That is what I hope to do with blog post, to take those who are new to doing genealogy under my virtual wing and offer some guidance in where to start.

One of the first things is to clarify in your own mind the “why” of you want to are setting out on this journey. The “why” will help you figure out what your are searching for and what resources will help you answer the questions that you have about your ancestors.

Does your family have stories about a famous ancestor that you want to prove for the bragging rights?

Does your family have stories about an ancestor who fought in the Civil War? In the Revolutionary War? That were passengers on the Mayflower? Do you want to be able to prove those stories so you can join a lineage society?

Do you just want to build out all your ancestors lines as far as you can because you are just curious about where you came from?

There are a variety of reasons people have for starting this journey. Each reason is valid, but each reason will require different methods and different tools. That is why before even starting having a clear idea of your reasons for research is important.

What is your “Why” for researching your family tree and its unique history?

For those wondering, when I first started my "why" was a general I want to learn more about my family and where I came from.

01 October 2020

Where Are You In Your Genealogy Research Journey?

Where are you in your genealogy research journey?

Complete novice? Interested but haven’t actually done any research?

Beginner? Maybe added a couple of names, dates and places; but really not sure what you are doing or what comes next?

Intermediate? You have spent some time doing basic research, but know there are a lot more things you can do to research the people in your tree; however, not real confident of the how and where to look.

Genealogy Buff, like me? You have your tree fairly well developed; confident in the basics and comfortable with other records and methods to flesh out the people beyond names, dates and places. Membership to at least 1 organization/group, and/or a subscription to at least 1 publication. Shelf full of genealogy books. Watch videos and podcasts on the subject. Willing to help others just so you can learn new techniques. Think about becoming a certified genealogist.

Expert/Professional? You have been paid for doing research or teaching a class on some aspect of genealogy/family history and/or are a Certified Genealogist.

Let’s Talk Family History!